unknown offline online internetConnected useFastQuads scriptList bitNot bitXor bitOr bitAnd lastChannel animgif centerregpoint paragraphs paragraph shockMachine environment setPixel getPixel locZ swa flash milliSeconds movieXtraList xtraList mapStageToMember mapMemberToStage blendLevel vectorShape autoHilite imlScrollBar getBehaviorTooltip movieAboutInfo movieCopyrightInfo soundDevice soundDeviceList editableMedia localString mediaFormat dither setContentsAfter setContentsBefore mouseLoc day month year systemDate bgStageColor bgColor hexString blue green red paletteIndex rgb index colorType color lineDirection endFrame startFrame keyboardFocusSprite quad globals setContents getContents getPropRef allowGraphicMenu allowCustomCaching allowZooming allowTransportControl allowVolumeControl allowSaveLocal flipV flipH skew rotation alphaThreshold useAlpha urlAdmin thumbnail quickTimeMedia CastMemberProperties paste copy cut alphaInfo soundKeepDevice netThrottleTicks sendAncestor send prepareMovie safePlayer rowBytes netPresent mouseMember scriptStyles tweened frameReady space applicationPath currentSpriteNum endSprite beginSprite sendAllSprites sendSprite callAncestor call mediaReady Sound8 Sound7 Sound6 Sound5 Sound4 Sound3 Sound2 Sound1 IsPastCuePoint CuePassed currentTime mostRecentCuePoint mediaBusy cuePointTimes cuePointNames rgbcolor indexcolor graphic boolean format comment range default runPropertyDialog getBehaviorDescription getPropertyDescriptionList mouseUpOutSide spriteNum testPointHook alertHook local currentScript scriptInstanceList stopEvent getPref externalParamValue externalParamName externalParamCount SetPref vga systemWinDir4 preloadMember unloadMember wordWrap fontStyle fontSize font alignment moaTEStyles productVersion productName appFileSpec runMode organizationName userName serialNumber maskMember activeCastLib activeCast editFocusSprite mouseSprite messageLock unloadMovie preLoadMovie platform emulateMultiButtonMouse rightMouseUp rightMouseDown keyPressed paletteRef castLibNum memberNum scoreSelection deskTopRectList windowPresent frontWindow activeWindow zoomWindow resizeWindow moveWindow closeWindow openWindow deactivateWindow activateWindow folderName mouseWithin mouseStillDown mouseLeave mouseEnter prepareFrame trackText trackPreviousKeyTime trackNextKeyTime trackPreviousSampleTime trackNextSampleTime setTrackEnabled trackEnabled trackStopTime trackStartTime trackType trackCount authorMode metallic NTSC vivid pastels grayscale rainbow web216 systemWin systemMac scrollByLine scrollByPage scrollTop pageHeight locToCharPos charPosToLoc locVToLinePos linePosToLocV lineHeight lineCount chunkSize changeArea transitionType fadeToWhite fadeToBlack normal paletteFrames paletteSpeed paletteOverTime paletteTransitionType waitCuePoint waitDigitalVideo waitSound waitClick waitSeconds frameSound2 frameSound1 frameTransition updateLock paletteMapping otherwise is winPALETTE winWAVE winPICT winDIB macColorTable macTEStyles macSnd macGWorld macPICT moaSound moaPixels moaHandle textStyles image composite timeScale digitalVideoType case fileType quickTime videoForWindows digitalVideoTimeScale limit fixed adjust parent score roundRect oval radioButton checkBox pushButton timeCode music scriptType tracks track scriptsEnabled filled shapeType buttonType channelCount sampleRate sampleSize editable textWrap autoTab boxDropShadow dropShadow scroll margin border boxType media ole richText save preLoadMode idleHandlerPeriod idleReadChunkSize idleLoadMode idleLoadPeriod idleLoadTag idleLoadDone cancelIdleLoad finishIdleLoad maxMember minMember memberCount castCount remapPalettes antiAlias defaultPalette defaultStageRect defaultColorDepth playing modifyName createName insertFrame deleteFrame duplicateFrame updateFrame clearFrame endRecording beginRecording new castLibs castLib members member interface xtras xtra videoForWindowsPresent searchPath doEffects object symbol cpuHogTicks crop symbolp listp voidp void ilk mouseHitTest hitTest birth mouseTrack stepFrame updateRect collectChangeRects ancestor actorList actor getNthFileNameInFolder movieFileFreeSize movieFileSize searchCurrentFolder searchPaths scriptNum scoreColor blend video pausedAtStart preloadRam frameRate purgePriority traceLogFile traceLoad stage propList linearList list property pass abort halt exitFrame enterFrame movieName moviePath down forget keyUpScript last itemDelimiter windowList modal windowType sourceRect drawRect updateMovieEnabled preLoadEventAbort clickLoc saveMovie trace randomSeed depth erase keyUp previous next paramCount param pi power log10 log exp atan tan cos sin moveToBack moveToFront frameScript frameTempo framePalette frameLabel lastFrame castType loaded modified digitalVideo shape button filmLoop bitmap regPoint scriptText map inside union intersect inflate point rect loc max min sort findPosNear findPos count setaProp setProp setAt getLast getOne getPos getPropAt getaProp getProp getAt deleteOne deleteProp deleteAll deleteAt append addProp addAt add size tell titleVisible close visible title fileName findEmpty duplicate importFileInto move pasteClipBoardInto copyToClipBoard window hmsToFrames framesToHMS soundLevel float picturep quickTimePresent romanLingo stopTime startTime movieTime movieRate ramNeeded visibility directToStage controller duration trails unLoadCast unLoad clearGlobals do date time abbr abbrev abbreviated short long perFrameHook showGlobals showLocals beep mci preLoadCast preLoad alert puppetPalette puppetTransition puppetTempo puppetSprite immediateSprite updateStage closeResFile openResFile dontPassEvent showXLib closeXLib openXLib zoomBox shutDown restart startTimer spriteBox quit printFrom showResFile installMenu delay continue constrainV constrainH random xfactoryList soundBusy rollOver marker lastEvent lastRoll lastKey lastClick keyCode doubleClick colorQD mouseCast mouseChar mouseWord mouseItem mouseLine pauseState labelList pathName selection mouseV mouseH machineType stageBottom stageTop stageRight stageLeft key clickOn controlDown shiftDown stillDown optionDown commandDown freeBytes freeBlock memorysize value nothing result maxinteger offset integer floatp objectp stringp integerp sqrt numToChar charToNum string length abs ticks open puppetSound delete when exit set global instance floatPrecision script enabled checkMark volume number timeoutPlay timeoutMouse timeoutKeydown timeoutLapsed timeoutLength timer timeoutScript keyDownScript mouseUpScript mouseDownScript beepOn stageColor multiSound buttonStyle checkBoxType checkBoxAccess centerStage fixStageSize switchColorDepth selEnd selStart exitLock colorDepth soundEnabled menuItems menuItem menus menu extend condense shadow outline underline italic bold plain center castmembers textSize textAlign textHeight textFont textStyle name playFile stop fadeOut fadeIn in picture lines items words chars mMessageList mInstanceRespondsTo mRespondsTo version on mPerform constraint super mput mget mdispose cast hilite text cursor stretch backcolor forecolor immediate puppet label timeout pause moveableSprite editableText sound palette transition pattern locH locV bottom right mdescribe mname mnew tempo sync loop intersects within keyDown ink linesize height width left top castNum type movie with end repeat while factory off me of method frame done mouseDown mouseUp stepMovie stopMovie startMovie idle after before into if to play go put sprite field empty quote backSpace tab enter return false true # line item word char the else then && & >= > <= <> < = or and starts contains mod / * not + - : } { ] [ ) ( , .. . ,*